Book of the Month Club!

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Amidst all the madness of the Coronavirus, a little good news.

For a while now I’ve been sitting on various developments that I have not been allowed to tell anyone about. Some are still under wraps, but I am now thrilled to be able to report that THE PARIS HOURS has been selected as one of the five titles for April’s Book of the Month Club.

This is wonderful and exciting news. Part of the deal is that BOTM members will be able to get their hands on the book a month ahead of official publication. It’s always a thrilling (and terrifying) moment when your book finally makes its way out into the world and into readers’ hands.

More good news next week! I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

Comments 2

  1. I came across The Paris Hours as part of my April Book of the Month. As I read through the synopsis and saw “Souren, the Armenian refugee….” I initially couldn’t quite believe what I was reading. I knew there was no turning away from it as the call of heritage and blood is strong. I am Armenian. Seeing a book with an Armenian character, published for a wide audience during the month that marks the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was purely serendipitous. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and the intersection of these layered characters. I was so moved by your poignant descriptions of Souren’s plight. It painfully mirrored the stories that were passed down from my maternal great-grandmother, who was a survivor of the Genocide. Stories which are forever emblazoned in my DNA. I wonder now, Mr. George, what inspired you to include Souren into this beautifully woven story?

  2. Post

    Hi Anna – thank you for writing. I have a good friend back in London who is also of proud Armenian heritage. He talked a great deal about the Armenian Genocide and the ongoing campaign to have the atrocities committed back then recognized as such. I never forgot those talks, and always wanted to find a way to write about them. When I was casting around in my imagination for characters to populate this book, I realized that this might be my chance.

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