In Praise of Pork


Far too much talk of turkeys, lately, so here’s an apt little homage to my favorite food.  Not, I should add, that I’ve been suffering from any noticeable swine deficit over Thanksgiving.

We’ve just come back from a brief but fabulous trip to D.C. to visit some wonderful friends who broke our hearts this summer when they moved away from Missouri.  It was great to see them again and share Thanksgiving with them.  We dragged the kids through eight museums, and they dragged us through the zoo, twice.  I love D.C.  It has many of the best bits of London (municipal green bits) and Paris (relatively small, but wide boulevards).  Oddly enough the only slightly disappointing spectacle was the White House, which was much smaller than I’d anticipated.  I blame Aaron Sorkin.

In other news, I shall be writing later this week with an update on publishing developments.

Comments 1

  1. I had no idea pork was your favourite! For some reason I find myself surprised, both at this fact, and about me not knowing this snippet of important information…. How remiss of me xx

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