Well, things are moving ahead.
It now appears that we have a tentative date scheduled for the publication of A GOOD AMERICAN – January or February of 2012. It seems an awfully long way off right now but I know that there’s a lot to do in the forthcoming months and I will be kept extremely busy. I am told that early in the year is a great time to be published, for various reasons – however, I will be hoping that the weather next winter isn’t as crazy as it was this year. I know that fellow Amy Einhorn author Eleanor Brown (whose book has become a New York Times bestseller, I should add) suffered mightily at the hands of various capricious weather fronts as she tootled about the country on her book tour, with both flights and readings cancelled hither and yon. This year mid Missouri has seen the second highest snowfall since records began. Can’t be as bad again… can it?
In the meantime, we have begun to send the finished manuscript out to various friendly author types in the hope that they will be kind enough to read the book and provide some sparkling quote that we can include in the publicity materials – blurbs, we call ’em in the business. I have also been doing my best not to worry about a rather intimidating “Author Questionnaire” from my publisher’s publicity department, with all sorts of questions about my children’s blood type, my thoughts on the situation in East Timor, the password to all my email accounts, and all credit card PIN numbers, etc. I tell you, writing the bloody book was easy in comparison.
Comments 1
I can’t wait to hear more about the book as it gets closer! Hope you get some good blurbs.