I confess this footage of my daughter stumps me.
I can’t for the life of me remember what on earth she was listening to on the headphones which made her into a human metronome (well, kind of.) Chances are it was either “Hey Soul Sister” by Train, or, um, “Hampsterdance” by that noted songsmith, Hampton the Hampster. It’s strange – usually she gives herself away by singing along at the top of her voice. Such silence – as those of you who have met her will know – is most uncharacteristic. Even if the odd robotic dancing is not.
Catherine loves her music, at least. For that we should be grateful.
In other news, we had a bit of a blog apocalypse (blapocalypse?) yesterday which resulted in several comments on earlier posts being lost. Sorry if yours didn’t survive the unintended purge. I love my commenters. Please don’t stop.
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It’s definitely Eternal Triangle off Sonny Side Up. I’ll bet you anything.