As you will know if you are reading this, the site redesign has finally been completed. I hope you approve. Appropriately enough, this is my 100th post. Many, many thanks to my friend Paul Boomer for all his help in getting this done. The man really is a genius.
Please have a look around. If you have any suggestions or comments as to how I (= Paul) can improve on things, do let me know.
One of the principal aims behind the redesign is to make it easier for me to stay in touch with you. I would encourage you to fill in the little box in the right-hand column to subscribe to this blog – that way you will receive an email notifying you of new posts, so you won’t have to keep on checking back to see what I’ve been up to. You can also sign up to follow me on Twitter or be my friend on Facebook by clicking on the relevant icon, or you can send me an email by using the form on the “Ways to Connect” page above.
Oh, and speaking of Facebook, if you’re into all that, I’d appreciate it if you would also go here and subscribe to the blog through the FB network blogs page.
And is it just me, or can anyone else not believe it’s September?