Thank You.


Well that was fun.

I have been overwhelmed by the wonderful and generous response from so many people to my news.  I’ve been inundated with emails, phone calls, Facebook comments, and singing telegrams (OK, not that last one), all wishing me the best.  I am very touched by everyone’s good wishes.  Thank you all so much.

I hope you’ll continue to come to the site and check on progress.  There will be some changes around here, now that we know what’s going on.  Expect to see more news and content, including – I hope – some podcasts, guest bloggers, and all sorts of other good stuff.  And, of course, please feel free to comment and share with your friends…

Anyway, much to process and consider at this end.  I can report that the knotty problem of the title is still not resolved.  Amy does not like THE SONGS OF OUR FATHERS, so it’s back to the proverbial drawing board on that one.  Also, it’s possible that I may get my real name back.  You’ll notice that the name of this blog has changed ever so slightly.  Goodbye, A.H. George, we hardly knew ye.

Watch, as they say, this space.  Thanks again, everyone.

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