I’m just back from a wonderful and refreshing vacation in Maine, which I will write about shortly, but I wanted to share a little bit of exciting news before then.
The UK edition of A GOOD AMERICAN now has a publication date. It is scheduled to be published by Fig Tree Books, an imprint of Penguin UK, on August 2, 2012. Those of you in England, please mark your calendars. It’s too early to know what sort of festivities may or may not be planned, but we will be looking to celebrate in some way, shape or form – and I hope that those of you on the other side of the big pond will be able to join in the fun.
In the meantime, the US pre-publication process is hotting up, with trips to Minneapolis and possibly also further afield planned in the near future. I will keep everyone posted as these things develop.
Comments 2
Great news on the UK pub! Can’t wait to read it!
Thanks, Erika! Can’t wait for the February launch in the US but obviously the UK launch has special meaning for me.