A little while ago I posted an item about book trailers. As I noted then, these can often be rather clunky affairs, due principally to the insurmountable chasm between the product (a novel) and the media being used to sell the product (2 minute You Tube video.) Gary Shteyngart’s answer was to say nothing at all about the book – which empirically appears to have worked pretty well, as least in my case, since I am now reading said book. Here is a very different but equally effective approach from Kelly O’Connor McNees. Yes, she is an Amy Einhorn author, and yes, we follow each other on Twitter, but so what? I don’t have to be impartial about this stuff. I just think this is very clever. It’s funny, engaging, and tells you just enough about the book to pique the viewer’s interest. And I love the idea of the tough guy with a Kindle guiltily reading “Little Women.”
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