No Potter update today since the wife went out with the camera. Anyway, Hallam’s going gangbusters on the book and is loving every word of it. Book Two waits in the wings.
Meanwhile, I am zipping through my book, tweaking and polishing, readying my baby for the trip overseas to visit my agent Bruce in London. The biggest change is structural – the novel was originally divided up into seven preposterously long chapters, and I am now working to break these up into more manageable chunks. I’ve been rather surprised by how much I have disliked doing this. Even though the words are the same and in the same order, it doesn’t feel like the same book any more. If this persists, I will have to glue everything back together just as it was. Thank heavens for word processors.
In other news, I have started blogging on an almost daily basis for the newly revamped Big Surf Waterpark website – which includes our new water(b)log. Check it out.