
No, this is not a review of Jonathan Franzen’s new novel – although I can’t wait to get my hands on it.  (The online book community has talked about little else for days, it seems.  People don’t know whether to celebrate Franzen as the (quite obviously) brilliant novelist that he is, or to snipe about why he doesn’t have the …


So, yeah, about this book. No title as of right now, it’s true, but still much to tell you about. One of the major themes in the new book is singing.  The story tells the tale of three generations of one family, and everyone sings.  In particular, there are four brothers who sing unaccompanied barbershop harmony together. Now, it would …

Listen Here: Inaugural Podcast

In this strange world we live in, it seems like a book just ain’t enough any more. Fellow Amy Einhorn author Eleanor Brown recently wrote a great post about all the extra-curricular activities that writers have to do these days, in addition to, you know, actually writing the book.  One of the things I’m thinking about doing from time to time …

On the Move…

After my brief flirtation with possibly the least inspiring nom-de-plume in history, I have now triumphantly reclaimed my name as my own.  So long, A.H. George, we hardly knew ya.  One consequence of this exciting news is that I have changed (with help from webmeister Boomer, naturally) addresses for this blog.  Its home, as you’ll see from the top of …

Full Steam Ahead

I’m back in the saddle again. Following delivery of Amy’s notes and edits on the manuscript last weekend, we then exchanged some long emails addressing various matters arising.  That was followed by two long telephone conversations towards the end of last week.  Result: we have agreed what needs to be changed in the book.  Amy’s suggestions were inspired.  Some of …

Moving Your Lips When You Read

Anyone who’s seen me in the last week or so might have noticed that I appear to have a frog lodged permanently in my throat.  I am rather croaky and prone to small coughing fits.  Just for once it’s not allergies.  I’ve been reading my book.  Out loud. All of it. Daft as it sounds, I now do this with …

Thank You.

Well that was fun. I have been overwhelmed by the wonderful and generous response from so many people to my news.  I’ve been inundated with emails, phone calls, Facebook comments, and singing telegrams (OK, not that last one), all wishing me the best.  I am very touched by everyone’s good wishes.  Thank you all so much. I hope you’ll continue …

New York Trip

As I mentioned here, I was in Manhattan very briefly last week for the launch party of my friend Nancy Woodruff’s excellent new novel, My Wife’s Affair. I flew from St. Louis into La Guardia and hopped on to a bus to Grand Central Station.  Less than twenty hours later, I was back on the bus, heading back out to …


So, yeah, I have a twitter account.  Of course I do.  I’m just not entirely sure what I should do with it. I had the bright idea of tweeting my entire novel, 140 characters at a time, until I realized that if I did one tweet a day I would finally be finished around mid-November, 2024.

Now What?

I’ve spent the last two weeks polishing the manuscript of THE SONGS OF OUR FATHERS and yesterday sent it off to Bruce the Agent, who is still reading. Final polishing is a curious exercise.  On one level it’s very satisfying.  All my little tweaks should (in theory) make the manuscript a little better, and that obviously feels worthwhile.  On another …